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I have been playing with some ideas…nothing new there then!!
One thing that really bugs me is the “seam” you get in a square, or hexagon, when you are working with just one colour.
As we move up into a new round, the normal way is to make either a chain start or a starting stitch.
The chain start can be “skinny” and leave a gap in your work, and the starting stitch can be a little “fatter” and result in a bulge in your work.
The arrows point to the seam, starting stitches in this case.
So, how do we get a perfectly seamless square when working with double crochet or treble crochet stitches (US terms)?
Join to the top of the chain 3 [dc] with a slip stitch, then working under the top two loops only, make sure you don’t catch that 3rd loop!
Slip stitch through any stitches before the corner space or stitch, and then into the corner space/stitch.
Make your chain 3, which will count as your 1st dc, and continue to work the round as normal.
When you come back to the beginning of the round, join to the top of the chain-3 with a slip stitch, and just keep continuing as before.
In my Floral Fantasy e-book there is a solid seamless square and here are some of the variations.
♥ All of my tutorials are free and are written or recorded using US terminology.
♥ If you need help and advice, the quickest way to find support is to join Helen’s Hookaholics Facebook group. There you will find a very supportive group of likeminded people. It’s also a great place to share your crystalsandcrochet makes, and see what others are making, and see what I am up to.
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