Whispers from the Past Part 4
Welcome to part 4 of Whispers from the Past.
I am so pleased to see so many of you enjoying the Mattress Stitch join last week, I love the flat, neat effect it gives.
Building Blocks…..
Learning something new often takes a few attempts to get it perfect, but it is how we all grow, and gain more experience.
For years I have taught various things, and particularly when I was teaching hairdressing I had a favourite saying, that my students came to hate!!
“Keep doing what you are doing, and you will keep getting what you are getting”
In other words, if we never try anything new, we will never get any different results.
And experience is all about constantly trying to add more tools and techniques to our “tool box”.
Yes it can feel uncomfortable to begin with, but so did walking when you first learned to do that!
This week you will again be working around the whole project, building blocks using very simple stitches.
You now have a short side, and a long side, which are clearly marked on the pattern.
Make sure your stitch count is correct on the first round, and then be aware of the number of stitches you need to skip before and after the corners in some of the rounds.
Where you are working the longer stitches, make sure you are working in front of the chain spaces and not over them, again be very mindful when you are working the corners.
This is another point where you could stop for a baby blanket, maybe just adding a shell border. 🙂
So, have fun, and remember I am always around to answer any questions you may have.

♥ Useful Stuff
♥ Front and Back Post stitches video tutorial. Just click on the link and it will take you to a short video tutorial, with some handy hints.
♥ If you haven’t read the introduction post, then please find it here. You will find all the information on Yarn Packs, how much yarn you will need, hook sizes, the finished size of your blanket and all the resources available.

Whispers from the Past part 4 is available as
♥ US terms Photo Tutorial -US terms written pattern – Video tutorial US terms.
♥ UK terms Photo Tutorial.
♥ As a chart
And also in the following languages
♥ Afrikaans ♥ Danish – Dansk ♥ Dutch – Nederlands ♥ Finnish – Suomi ♥ French – Francais
♥ German – Deutsche ♥ Greek – Ελληνικα ♥ Hebrew – עברית ♥ Korean – 한국어. ♥ Norwegian – Norsk
♥ Persian – فارسی ♥ Spanish – Español ♥ Swedish -Svenska
Please select your option, add to your basket and you will receive your download Free.

And another HUGE thank you to the awesome team of translators, from the CAL – Crochet A Long Facebook group, for the fantastic job they have done with all the translations. ♥
Approx. size:
Double knit with 4mm hook:– short side 30 ½ inches/77.5cm – long side 41 inches/104cm
Aran with 5.5mm hook:– short side 40 inches/101.5cm – long side 54 inches/137cm

♥ Please remember all of my patterns are covered by copyright law and may not be copied or shared in any way. You may share a link to my website or Ravelry store with anyone, you may print the PDF for your own use, but please do not alter, change or share in any way.
♥ Please love and respect me, as I love and respect you. ♥
♥ The best way to be in the know with all I am up to, is to follow crystalsandcrochet on Facebook.
♥ If you need help and advice, the quickest way to find support is to join Helen’s Hookaholics Facebook group. There you will find a very supportive group of likeminded people. It’s also a great place to share your crystalsandcrochet makes, and see what others are making, and see what I am up to.
♥ If you are not a fan of Facebook you can always email me with any questions you may have by using the contact form here.
♥ Please feel free to sign up to my YouTube channel for lots of helpful video tutorials.

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