Mandala Madness Part 6
Mandala Madness Part 6
Can you believe we are a third of the way through this madness!!
A few of you spotted that there was no comment or description from me about last week’s instalment. It is very much combined with this part, as we work back into an eight pointed star.
Octagrams formed from overlapping squares often emphasize duality: yin and yang, male and female, spiritual and material.
Squares are often connected with the physical world: four elements, four cardinal directions, etc.
Together, they bring balance.
They are used in many different faiths, and belief systems, all around the world and date back to pre-Ancient Egypt.
Number 8 tells you to step into your personal power and have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential.
So with that said, as you start this week, the very first round is one that will test your patience, and your concentration.
It is not hard, but there is a lot going on, so please take your time, and go step by step.
To me each piece of work I do, I want to learn, grow, and improve. This is done by taking time to focus on what I am doing, and to enjoy each and every step of the journey. It is not about getting from A to B in the fastest possible time!
Maybe this is the week to really take the time to “feel” what the colours you have chosen mean to you, and if you haven’t already, then find a name for your own personal Mandala Madness, to make it absolutely unique to you.
Also this week you will need to turn your work in round 44 and then turn back for round 45, this will make a huge difference to the way your work looks, but please be very aware of those SNEAKY…HIDDEN stitches.
And…because some of you have asked for some measurements for guidance at the end of this week mine measure as follows:
Merino Soft ~ Rainbow Madness ~ 4mm hook ~ 26 inches / 66 cm
Colour Crafter ~ Purple Passion ~ 4.5mm hook ~ 30 inches / 76 cm
Stonewashed xl ~ Big Earth Momma ~ 5.5mm hook ~ 37 inches / 94 cm

♥ If you haven’t read the introduction post, then please find it here.
You will find all the information on Yarn Packs, how much yarn you will need, hook sizes, the finished size of your blanket and all the resources available.

Mandala Madness part 6 is available as
♥ US terms Photo Tutorial -US terms written pattern – Video tutorial US terms.
♥ UK terms Photo Tutorial
And also in the following languages
♥ Afrikaans ♥ Danish – Dansk ♥ Dutch – Nederlands ♥ Finnish – Suomi ♥ French – Francais
♥ German – Deutsche ♥ Greek – Ελληνικα ♥ Hebrew – עברית ♥ Korean – 한국어.
♥ Persian – فارسی ♥ Polish – Polski ♥ Russian – русский ♥ Spanish – Español ♥ Swedish -Svenska
Please select your option at the bottom of the page, add to your basket and you will receive your download Free.

And another HUGE thank you to the awesome team of translators, from the CAL – Crochet A Long Facebook group, for the fantastic job they have done with all the translations. ♥
Huge thanks to Natalie for the Russian Video Tutorial
Thank you to Carmen for the Spanish video tutorial
♥ US terms Video Tutorial by Esther Dijkstra from
Again my love and thanks to Esther for the amazing job she has done with these videos. ♥

♥ Please remember all of my patterns are covered by copyright law and may not be copied or shared in any way. You may share a link to my website or Ravelry store with anyone, you may print the PDF for your own use, but please do not alter, change or share in any way.
♥ Please love and respect me, as I love and respect you. ♥
♥ The best way to be in the know with all I am up to, is to follow crystalsandcrochet on Facebook.
♥ If you need help and advice, the quickest way to find support is to join Helen’s Hookaholics Facebook group. There you will find a very supportive group of likeminded people. It’s also a great place to share your crystalsandcrochet makes, and see what others are making, and see what I am up to.
♥ If you are not a fan of Facebook you can always email me with any questions you may have by using the contact form here.
♥ Please feel free to sign up to my YouTube channel for lots of helpful video tutorials.

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